Lyrics to Kosheen’s “Dependency”

I normally rely on others to provide me with lyrics to songs I like because I just don’t hear lyrics. Fact. Alas, nobody seems to have transcribed the lyrics to my most recent earworm yet, KOSHEEN‘s “Depencency”. I searched the interwebs with no success, and eventually decided to attempt my own transcription. Further below I explain why this is significant for me.


feels like you’re watching me
everything i do and say
everywhere i go
feels like you’re inside me
seeing through my eyes
still telling me what to do
keep pulling me down
pushing me
don’t let me fall
you catch me
i’ll be around
if you ever need
just call me

if i try and hide
i know you’re going to find me
always a step behind
breathing down my neck again
tapping on my shoulders
trying to remind… me
keep pulling me down
pushing me
don’t let me fall
you catch me
i’ll be around
if you ever need
just call me

just let me go
– just let me go
put me back where you found me
just let me go
– just let me go
just leave me there where you found me
just let me be
let me be me
don’t confine me
just let me go
just call me

So why make a big deal of it? Well, for as long as I remember I’ve always had trouble hearing words in songs. I could hear the singer’s voice all right, that wasn’t the problem, but I just couldn’t hear the words. It was all like mwah-mwah-mwaaahh-mwah. Essentially a voice instrument is all I heard.

Don’t know whether this means I’ve got some cool exotic disorder with a name of its own and all, but in any case it meant that I was forever surprised whenever people told me that this song or that song was about something or other. And it was also kind of embarrassing to tell someone “Hey, I really love this song, you’ve got to listen to it!” and they’d say “Yeah? What’s it about?” and I’d be like “Uhm,… well,… I don’t actually know coz I don’t hear lyrics.” =( It’s embarrassing to have to admit that sort of stuff; that after playing a song many times over all I could still discern were a few isolated words here and there and the rest was just mwah-mwah-mwah.

So, of late I acquired KOSHEEN’s recent album “Independence”, and one of the tracks “Dependency” is a real ear-worm for me, especially at the points where there’s singing (two minutes in from the start, and then two and a half minutes before the end). So after playing it non-stop for a day I finally tried to find the lyrics to figure out what it’s about, but for the life of me I couldn’t find them anywhere. So after a fruitless search I decided to see whether I could discern the words if I paid really close attention. And guess what, I think I succeeded!

Chances are that I’ve still mis-heard stuff, so please let me know if you spot an error. But hey, it’s the first time I’ve managed to hear all of the words in a song without relying on the interwebs to provide the lyrics first. Hurrah! =D